Today is Restart a Heart Day and we’re right behind the initiative at Mini First Aid. We’ll be showing you on social media this week, what our trainers have been doing across the UK to teach adults and children lifesaving CPR as part of the day. We’re delighted to hear from Simon Gillespie from the British Heart Foundation who tells us more about the day and why it is so important.
This year marks the 3 year anniversary since The British Heart Foundation launched their ‘nation of lifesavers’ campaign. Since then, over 3 million people have been trained in CPR through Call Push Rescue and Heartstart schemes.
This year, we are working with the Resuscitation Council (UK), St. John Ambulance, British Red Cross, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service, Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS), all UK NHS ambulance services, along with Fire & Rescue services; to train more than 150,000 young people across the UK in the largest ever CPR training event of its kind.
Survival rates from out of hospital cardiac arrest remain stubbornly low in the UK, with fewer than 1 in 10 people surviving. Along with our partners, the British Heart Foundation is calling for all young people to be trained in CPR to help save more lives. When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, their chance of survival can DOUBLE if a bystander immediately performs CPR, and every minute without CPR or defibrillation can reduce a person’s change of surviving a cardiac arrest by around 10%.
If CPR is taught more widely, it is estimated that thousands of lives could be saved every year. The British Heart Foundation’s training programme:
Call Push Rescue is available for free to eligible secondary schools. It takes less than an hour to learn how to save a life.
To find out more about CPR and how to obtain a kit, visit