As with Mini First Aid's previous blog, if you are planning a trip to a Spanish speaking country this summer - take a note of these handy first aid & medical translations below. A close friend of mine recently had an accident in Ibiza, without a first aid kit, knowledge of the emergency number to call or translations made for a very scary few hours. So if you have a trip abroad planned, especially with small children, pack a first aid kit, take a note of these translations and remember the number to call is 112. Wishing you safe & happy holidays.
Las urgencias = A&E department
Es una urgencia = it’s an emergency
Por favor, llame [yamay] al medico = Call a doctor please
Por favour llame [yamay] a las urgencias = Call A & E please
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) está enfermo(a) = My baby/child is ill
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) [neenyo] tiene [te-en-ay] fiebre [fee-eb-ray] = My baby/My Child has a temperature
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) está sangrando = My baby/My Child is bleeding
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) no respira = My baby/My Child isn’t breathing
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) no puede [pweday] respirar = My baby/My Child is having difficulty breathing
Creo que [kay] mi bebe / mi niño(a) tiene [te-en-ay] la meningitis = I think my baby / my child has meningitis
Mi bebe / mi niño(a) tuvo un ataque [atackay] = My baby / child has had a seizure/fit